"We lost a tough one last night, and y'know it stings a little. But we'll go back to the drawin' board and we'll be studyin' some game films and just workin' our rear ends off so that we come out with guns blazin' next year," said the self-proclaimed hockey mom. "I guarantee we'll score more goals, be more aggressive fact-checkin', focus more on our national defensive game, and we'll get 'em next year."
Despite significant losses in both the electoral college and the popular vote, Palin said 'Team McCain' and herself were the victim of bad election officiating.
"Obama/Biden definitely seemed to get a lot more calls than us. The truth of the matter is, a few more states get called our way and it could have been a whole different outcome out there. But it seemed like the calls were going the way of whoever was most popular."
Palin also blamed the media for playing favoritism toward the bigger market team.
"You know, all along you reporters wanted Obama/Biden to win, just because they have more fans and a higher payroll."
However, Palin conceded that not all the fault came from external sources.
"At the end of the day, Obama/Biden out-hustled us out there. John McCain and I have just got to pull ourselves up and start preparin' for next year."